Deborah Wolk, New York
Classes in English
6./7. April 2019
12:00-18:00 on Saturday
10:00-16:00 on Sunday
€ 170,-
The Midline and the Plumb Line
Finding your Center
In the Center there is no pain.
–Geeta S. Iyengar
In this workshop we will learn to see, sense and work with the landmark locations that define the midline of the body.
In the various texts on asana and pranayama, the Iyengars describe the midline as a line bisecting any particular place in the body where one puts their focus. The plumb line in both yoga and anatomy is seen as the center line from the crown of the head to the space between the feet.
Very often these lines are used to define alignment.
But are these midlines aligned?
Are the midlines and the plumb line our center or is there another center not defined by such linear markers?
How do we perceive these lines and do our perceptions align with their reality. And lastly, most importantly, how do we really see balance and how does it help us?
Join Deborah Wolk, specialist in Yoga for Scoliosis and Back Care from NYC. She will present new ways of seeing symmetry and asymmetry in an exploration of centering oneself and learning to see the body from a new perspective. Props, hands on adjustments and partnering will be used during asana practice which will include standing poses, forward bends, twists, backward extensions, restorative and pranayama.
Claus Grzesch, Wien
4.5 & 5.5.2019
SA 9:30:00-13:00 & 15:00-17:00
SO 9:30-13:00
€ 170,-
Claus wird für Iyengar® Yoga Geübte mit mindestens 3 Jahren Übungspraxis
Pranayama und Asanas unterrichten. Claus führt uns in die Wahrnehmung und Ausdehnung der fünf Vayus (den fünf Bewegungen oder Funktionen von Prana) ein.
Claus Grzesch praktiziert seit 1971 Yoga und ist direkter Schüler von B.K.S. Iyengar.
Er unterrichtet als Senior III-Lehrer in der Iyengar-Yogalehrer-Ausbild
Er lebt von April bis September in Wien, die übrige Zeit verbringt er in Asien.